Sleep disorders are a group of conditions which affect the pattern of respiration during sleeping with frequent episodes of breathing cessation, repeated arousals, taking deep breaths, restarting sleeping and sleep fragmentation with undesirable consequences on the human health and associated with many psychosocial problems like early morning headache, excessive day time sleepiness, car accidents, inadequate working hours and performance, increase the risk ratio of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lung disease, uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes, exacerbating underlying chronic diseases and even sudden death.

- Anyone with snoring during sleep.
- Excessive day time sleepiness like falling sleep during talking, stopping for few minutes in traffic, in a meeting or theatre, during watching television after lunch, during driving, travel as a passenger for a distance of 1 hour… etc.
- Uncontrolled diabetes and resistant hypertension especially in patients who are obese, male, short-necked, having large tongue, overcrowded oropharynx, alcoholic, small chin, suspecting that they may have sleep-disordered breathing.
Once we receive the patient, we start to check vitals and height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) by our nurses, then we take detailed history about jobs, daily habits, smoking, alcoholic, sedatives, comorbidities, signs and symptoms of sleep disorders.
Detailed physical examination and some needed investigations to discover some correctable causes which may need referral to other specialties like endocrinologist, dietician and ENT specialized.
Our center, has special equipment called apnea link for sleep events analysis, our staff teaches patients how to use it at home during sleep and next they bring the apnea link back to print out the report and we do analysis and give directions and management accordingly
We have three grades of sleep apnea: mild, moderate, severe.
We have specific recommendations:
- For obese patients : dietary regime, weight reduction and exercise
- Avoid smoking, alcohol and sedatives
- Specify room just for sleeping not for something else.
- Rectify correctable causes by related specialties like nasal deformities, big tonsils, hypothyroidism…etc.
- Proper management of other comorbidities like ischemic heart disease, heart failure, diabetes and hypertension.
- If the grade is mild or moderate, there might be treated with above measures
- Sometime moderate grade without any correctable cause or not corrected with above measures and severe sleep apnea, the patient needs to use some non-invasive ventilating machine like BiPAP or CPAP to help him or her to get a proper sleep over night, we can provide this machine for any one wants to use.